It's an odd day - everywhere seems incredibly subdued - a nation in shock - a nation that feels robbed of a place in the world cup semi-finals. Last night I saw people crying in the streets, not a sight often seen in broad daylight. I have to be honest and say I was disappointed too - but so far have avoided the papers, can't cope with the critics who could always do better!
Yet what is it about nationalism, Australia went through it - robbed by a penalty that wasn't(?), why does a game unite a nation and bring it to it's knees?
I haven't the answers, nationalism is something I struggle with, it can be very dangerous, it has been the cause of so much evil and yet it seems essential to our existence!
Sure the sociologists and psychologists will have theories, and probably accurate ones too, but at the end of the day it is a unity of passion and grief...a substitute passion and grief?!