I find myself more and more, in my consultancy work, helping people (and sometimes hindering) with vision and leadership issues.
The mere mention of the words can instigate a reaction of hostility! But we all have vision in various states across our lives, and when we don't it probably means we are in a very difficult place. We all exert leadership in all sorts of forms and leadership at it's most deconstructed is an exertion of influence.
One of the common objections from Church based organisation is that you can't apply commercial leadership and vision strategies to church and charity. Interestingly the charities I help look after professionally wouldn't agree, they adapt and formulate accordingly.
One of the most useful resources I have come across which starts with a faith and biblical basis is from The Teal Trust, an organisation committed to helping leaders in the church, in society and in the workplace.
You can even check out your leadership style with the on-line indicator - you may be surprised out the outcome!
And for the sceptics, there are commercial organisations out there who work with Godly vision...