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January 21, 2010


Kevin Moore

Hi Nigel,

Just be careful you don't "buy into" Bell's false gospel and weird theology!



We are all prone to weird theology in our lives and our very own Archbishops aren't without their critics, but thanks for the words of warning. For me that's where discernment is very important - guided by the institution I have "signed up to" - at the moment we all see through clouded lenses and it becomes a dangerous situation if we forget that, we need each other to provide good council!

A great deal of damage has been done by all that the church has tried to achieve in the search for a "pure church" over the centuries. I very much believe in grace, a grace with a cost, but grace is grace and "the Grace of God has dawned upon the world with healing for all mankind".

In the Nooma videos I have watched I haven't experienced a false gospel or weird theology, only expoundings of what I would consider the grace of God, beyond that I can't comment...

Yours, through cloudy but faithful lenses.

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