Currently giving thought to the Diocesan day in October and my seminar on discipleship in the workplace. What's strange about it is not the subject matter - how we live out our faith in our daily lives is my passion - but the fact that I haven't as yet met the new Bishop and realising how comfortable I was with our former Bishop and his approach to things.
Still it's great to be asked and I'm looking forward to it.
Food for thought:
Does God direct to us a stream of communicating energy that can be tuned into by human beings, at any level that is relevant to their own circumstances and experiences. "For instance the Son, the Divine word, speaks to his earthly contemporaries in parables, earthed in the everyday life of Galilee. The Spirit then takes this enfleshed narrative, and interprets it and makes it accessible to those of us at later times and places, overcoming misunderstandings and miscommunications in this continuing work...?" *
In other words, how does God communicate with us and how does that effect our daily lives?
Through the Holy Spirit (Pentecost is coming)?
Through the bible's stories and instructions?
How do we then communicate all that for the good of all humankind?
How does that play out for the good of all creation?
* (Hugh Bowron, Eastern Promises: Remedying the Pneumatological Deficits of Western Theology, Pickwick 2010)