I sit having a TV dinner after a longish day of intermingled accountancy and curacy work, just managing to get home for the bed-time story and the privilege of listening to my five year old read his own story (nothing flash or advanced for his age)… The TV program is “Dispatches, Why our Children Can’t read” and I sit stunned about how many of our youngsters get to their teenage years without being able to read properly, surely this is fundamentally wrong and a first principal that needs sorting!
There are all sorts of reasons, blames and faults, all well rehearsed, but… part of being a society is joint responsibility, we as a society are as much responsible for the boy or girl who can’t read as the one who can!
One of my meetings today was about HOPE 08, note to self for one project, get people to volunteer as parent helpers for one-on-one reading in all the local primary schools….
It's a bigger start than it might first appear to be!