My Body is just my reflection …
When you die you leave your reflection.
Your real self leaves your body and
goes into another world … where
it will be the happiest life of all …
God has the answers, we have the
questions, and only in the end
will he tell us the answers.
God has kept that new life a secret
and I am glad because it will give
us a surprise, it will give us such
a big surprise.
Garvan Byrne, aged 11, a year before he died.
Yesterday at college we had the great pleasure of an evening with Sister Frances Dominica, founder of Helen House in Oxford
, the world’s first hospice for children with life-shortening conditions and their families.
The stories were both harrowing and awesome, Sister Frances was grounded and humble. As she shared with us the presence of God reflected in her face, in her emotions and in her being (and in her own words, she is not the sentimental type).
No PowerPoint presentation, no notes, no props, one woman, one God and a journey with many lives and deaths.
No heroics, no miracles, no experts - but communion, friendship, being, compassion, touch, presence, listening and story.
Thank you Sister Frances.